Get In Touch
If you’d like to get in touch I’d love to hear from you, just fill out the contact form.
(*If you are a first-time writer looking for an illustrator, please scroll down and read note below. Thank you!)
Find me on Facebook:
Click here for my novels or here for my picturebooks
Contact my agent: Eunice McMullen eunice@eunicemcmullen.co.uk
A message for first time picturebook authors interested in hiring me to illustrate a book for them: the good news is that you don’t need to find and commission someone to illustrate your work – that work and those costs belong to the publisher who buys your story. I wrote a blogpost on this subject which I hope you will find useful: dear-first-time-picturebook-author and there are some other notes here: links-for-picturebook-makers. Anyone intending to self-publish will also find these worth a read, however please note that I do not take on commissions to illustrate self-published books. Thank you for your interest and best wishes with your work.